
Showing posts from 2020

How to get rid of lice and nits fast!

This blog post is not meant to replace medical advice. Feel free to research the advice here on this page. Check product ingredients as well. Only you know what you are allergic to or not.  We are not using Nix or Rid on this page since it can create super lice if not all of the eggs and lice are removed with the first or second treatment. Information updated on January 18, 2024 People don't always know they have lice. Some people become sensitive or hypersensitive to the allergy they are experiencing from the lice saliva and others don't. Many people have no clue they have lice but will start to experience medical conditions. This is why its important to head lice check yourself and family once a week with a Terminator nit comb as a normal part of hygiene.  How to check for headlice: I recommend covering your own hair with a processing cap when combing out another person. Lice don't fly or jump but flicking the comb can make them land on your hair. Items you will