How to make an inexpensive DIY ribbon display for your kid's room.

How to make an inexpensive do-it-yourself ribbon display for your kid's room.

My son takes swim lessons and has been in the pool since he was a one year old. He enjoys it and always looks forward to the next time he has a lesson. Now that he is no longer in the water babies class he is going to start collecting ribbons each time his instructors move him to the next level. I want to use these ribbons as decor for his new big boy room so created an easy to make mini display that can grow with him over the coming years.

For this activity you will need:
  1. Cork board - Square or long strips depending on the style you want to accomplish. I purchased this pack of cork wall tiles from OfficeMax.
  2. Fabric - A cute themed fabric to show off which activity your child received the ribbon for a solid to match the decor of the room.
  3. Fabric scissors.
  4. Hot glue gun and extra glue. I'm using a low heat glue gun.
  5. Thumb tacks or pins.

  1. Take your glue gun and glue around the outer edge of one side of the cork board. Then carefully apply the fabric onto the glue. Finish each side of the board before continuing to the next section. On the third section add one strip of hot glue down the halfway down the middle so the fabric stays smooth without too many glue bumps. Then close off the fourth section and flip the board to the back.
  2. Now take your fabric scissors and cut four squares off the corners. 
  3. Add hot glue to the fabric and quickly fold down the fabric. Press it down carefully. A heavy book or other heavy flat item may be used to flatten down the fabric depending on the thickness of the fabric and how hot the glue is.
  4. Attach the pins and hang your ribbons.
  5. This cork set comes with mounting tape. Once you decide on the location of your ribbon display, you can mount it directly onto the wall or another item that you may like to layer the board with.
 Be sure to mount your new display in an area out of reach of young children. We want this display to last a long time and don't want your child to get hurt by the pins. I'd love to see your finished work so take a photo and link it in the comments below.

Happy decorating!

Do-It-Yourself DIY Ribbon Display Ribbon Holder Children's Decor Trophies 


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